The saying is so true, “it’s never too late to go after your dreams”. That can apply to so much! Our careers, passions, travel, love. Whatever our dreams are, we need to talk about them. Set realistic expectations for ourselves, but push ourselves to accomplish our deepest desires. So many people give up at a certain point. It is so easy to use excuses like “I am too old now”, or “I don’t have the time”. If we want something, really really want something, there is no excuse that should stop us from trying to achieve our dreams.
Tori is a mother of two, a Nurse, virtual assistant, and an author of a children’s book! She has set many dreams for herself ever since she was a littler girl, and put a plan in place to accomplish them all. Please meet Tori the Mom who continues to live her passion every day.
Learn more about The Warrior Mama Series.
1- Tell us a little bit about yourself? Where are you from, how many children do you have, and how old are they?
I’m originally from Georgia, but moved to Alabama when I went to college. I met a cute boy and married him, so Alabama became home! We have two kids- 3 year old Levi and 2 year old Willa. I love natural wellness, raising my babies, and Jesus!
2- Can you share more about your career as an RN, working PrN, a VA? How are you able to balance all of these?
I graduated from nursing school in 2014 and went straight to working in the hospital. I loved working with my patients, but didn’t love the hospital life. I was looking for something more flexible so I could work from home, and found a course on how to become a virtual assistant/freelancer and dove right in! I was able to find clients who needed help with content writing (my favorite) , Pinterest management, and social media management. It has been such a fun way to work on my own schedule, and have more control over what kind of money I make.
Because I do miss my patients, I wanted to find a clinic job where I could work a day here (PRN stands for “as needed”), and then I found the perfect opportunity at a local cancer clinic. This allows me to work mostly from home, but still get out, use my nursing skills, and have adult conversations.
The fact that they are both part time allows me to do both without being burned out!

3- Tell us a bit about your blog? When did you start it, what is it about, and what was your motivation?
I just launched in April of this year (2020), and I’m so excited about it! It’s called “Middle of the Road Mom” because I love finding the balance in all things. The pillars are motherhood , wellness, and faith! I want to showcase all the options to work from home as a mom to help others find that work/life balance, how to live a non-toxic lifestyle with better products, and my love for Jesus.
When my son was about 9 months old I knew I wanted to start a blog. I was so inspired and wanted to share all kinds of helpful resources and information with moms, but I was just so unsure of how to do it. I was so intimidated that I just dropped it.
Then after I started being a VA, I found myself ghostwriting blogs for clients, and learning all kinds of information about how to run a blog. I finally decided I was going to do it for myself, and Middle of the Road mom was born.
4- Tell us about your children’s book!? Have you always wanted to publish a children’s book?
I’ve wanted to be a writer since I was a kid! After having children and reading to them every night, I knew I wanted to write children’s picture books!
So far I’ve written two stories (with a few more ideas ready), and I’ve been starting the process of self publishing. It will be a whole new experience.

5- What are your time management principles?
I have two main things I do that help me manage my time and be productive
I have childcare twice a week. I can work early, and during nap time most days, but as moms we know that naps don’t always go as planned. I found affordable daycare for two days a week, so now I have two FULL days to get work done.
The next principle is time blocking. I can get distracted so easily if I’m not careful, OR spend too much time on one thing. So I use time blocking as a way to set certain time frames for certain projects. I also love this because it let’s me cross things off as I get them done and there’s nothing more satisfying than checking off your to-do list!
6- What tips can you share for other Moms who are looking to “do it all”?
Remember that you don’t have to be all or nothing! Write down everything you want for your work/life balance, and then research your options to make it happen. You can mix and match like me if no one thing suits you perfectly. You are unique and talented so find what works for you!
7- What advice would you give to women encountering challenges or stresses?
To be easy on yourself and give things time. There is going to be trial and error, but you will get there. So take it one day at a time, learn from your mistakes, and move forward!
8- What is your favorite thing about motherhood?
Baby snuggles! There is a lot of wonderful things about being a mom, but nothing beats the feeling of tiny arms wrapped around you.
WHat are your dreams?
Tori had her goals and dreams in her mind for years. She also was able to recognize when her dreams changed as she got older. That is ok too! As we get older, we should adopt our goals and desires to fit into our lives. Tori was able to see that, and shifted her focus to something more flexible. That allowed her to expand into her own VA business, and ultimately creating her own motherhood blog. She is able to share her knowledge and passion with so many other people! My favorite part is she never lost focus of her childhood dream of writing a children’s book! How awesome is that! Another dream she can check off her list!
What are your dreams and desires? Write them down! Make a list, and set actionable items each and every day to get you closer to accomplishing your goals. It is never too late, you are never too old, and you can find the time. You can do this Warrior Mama!
Make sure you check out Elna next! The Online marketing genius who simply does it all!
Learn more about Tori

Website: Middle of the Road Mom
IG: @middle_of_the_road_mom
FB: Middle of the Road Mom (blog) and Virtual Victoria (business)